There will never be another you- Chapter 7

"Have you totally lost it?" Shivaay stamped his legs, blinded by rage. "That is the only practical solution Shivu." His father tried to explain. "Solution for what exactly? How can you even suggest something like this? This is like a punishment for helping her." "No Shivu.. Please listen to us. This fake news will destroy her future and yours too. Don't think this as a punishment. Anjali is a nice girl and her family is also nice. She will be a perfect wife for you." He finally understood his family's real intention behind this. "Oh.. So this is the matter. Now I get it. But sorry I am not going to marry her. You cannot force me Maa" "We are not forcing you.." "Oh really? Then what the hell were you people doing in past one year? Now tell me one thing honestly. Was it any of you who called the media people there ?" He snapped at his family. "What are you saying? You think we can do something like tha...