There will never be another you- Chapter 8

Senior Jha struggled to get up from the floor as Arnav and Akash watched him in fury. The old man uttered a choked curse and stood on his feet wrapping one arm around his abdomen. "Mr. Jha right now I just wanted to show you that I can slit you open and splash around like a child in a muddy puddle in your own office. Nothing will stop me from doing that. But you forgot a lesson , never turn your back until you know your enemy is dead. Looks like we'll have to go over the lesson the next time I see you , which will be soon." Mr. Jha held the headrest of his chair for support and snapped. "You are threatening me? Don't forget I am an experienced old player, you guys are still .." "That is exactly what I wanted to say. You have become old now. So better mend your ways. And we will make pay for what you did to our Di. You will regret it very badly old man. By the way turn on the TV after one hour." Akash cut him in before the old man could complete h...