Chapter 20

    Khushi landed in Delhi the day before with Arnav & Payal. When Arnav booked the ticket along with them to Delhi, She did not tell anything. After dropping her and Muskaan at Vijay's apartment, they both left for Shantivan. 

    It was Veena's birthday today. Vivek, Veena and Sreekanth came in the morning from Kerala to have a small celebration with everyone.

    Since the time she came to live with Vema's, they gave her a place not only in their family but also in their heart. Last year Veena and Sreekanth came to Dubai to celebrate Diwali with her and Muskaan. She was deeply touched when all of them suddenly showed up in Dubai surprising her on her birthday.. Today evening there is a small celebration at Vijay's apartment on the occasion of Veena's birthday. So she decided to buy a gift for her. She needed to exchange some old bangles of Muskaan also. So she reached Motilal Jewellers leaving Muskaan with Veena. 

 She selected a Bal Ganesh locket for Veena and two bangles for Muskaan. She gave the old bangles to them for exchanging. 

"Shall I bill this Mam? or you want to look at anything else also?" The salesgirl asked her politely.

"Actually yes.. I had to retrieve something which was pawned here before 4 years, can you please check if it is still available with you."  She asked her hopefully.

"Ahh .. Mam I will just ask my Manager to come here. Maybe She can help you."

Khushi nodded at her and waited there for the store Manager. After five minutes She came back with her Manager.

"Hello Mam, I am Niya, I am the store manager. " She introduced herself with a pleasant smile and sat opposite to her.

"Hello.. I am Khushi" 

"Tell me mam, How can I help you"

"I pawned one bangle here before 4 years, I couldn't retrieve it that time as I did not have enough money. I know the chances are very less to get the same bangle back ,but still I wanted to try my luck"

" That shows you have some emotional connection with that bangle.."

"yes.. It was my mother's , She passed away when I was 8 years old"

"Oh.. I am sorry to hear that.. Can you tell me the date in which you have pawned the bangle?"

Khushi supplied her with the details and waited as she searched in her system and made few phone calls from the intercom. 

"I am so sorry mam.. We waited for one and a half year, after that it was relinquished and made available for sale." She said regretfully.

"ohh... It's Ok.. I expected this." Khushi gave her a small smile.

"Mam, but if you want , we can make a similar one for you." She suggested Khushi.

"that is not required, the new one will be new not the same right?, That's ok.."

The manager kept looking at Khushi's face for a minute.

"If you don't mind, Can I ask you something mam?"

"Yes.. Sure.."

"For what purpose you pawned that bangle?"

"I wanted to buy some ridiculously expensive plants as a gift to someone on behalf of my friend, I did not have enough money, so I pawned that bangle." She replied remembering the day when Arnav came back to Lavanya. 

"That's really touching..... So that person, whoever it was- must have been very much important for you.. Hain na? " 

"He was.. Not anymore.. Anyway thank you so much for your time.. Please bill those ones I selected.."  She told her while getting up from the chair. 

"Sure.. please proceed to the counter... It was nice meeting you Mam.. " She smiled warmly at Khushi which was returned in equal measure.

    Khushi paid the bill and left the shop unaware of the fact that Arnav was there in the shop listening to the conversation she had with the store manager. 

    He remained there with a heavy heart. His wife was a kind person with a golden heart. Who else will pawn the last symbol of her mother to buy plants for a person who did not leave any chance to humiliate her. Don't know how could he destroy her life mercilessly when She made every attempt to make him happy and safe. He had a long way to go.. to be worthy of someone like Khushi..

"Sir.. Here is your package." The salesman extended a package towards him.

He took the package and left from there. After reaching Shantivan he went straight to nani's room. The door was open and he entered inside and found Devyani leaning up against the headboard with a tablet in her hand.

"Nani.. What are you looking at ?"

Devyani lifted her eyes from the tablet and looked at Arnav.

"Chote ..You came back? You bought what I asked ?"

"Yes Nani.. here you go.." He placed the package on the bed near to her. She opened the package and took out the Yellow-Gold & Multi-Colored Stone Bracelet.

"It is very nice Chote.. this is as per Muskan bitiya's size right?" She asked him doubtfully.

"Yes nani.. this will be a perfect fit for her." 

"Khushi bitiya called me today, She will come tomorrow with Muskaan. I requested her to stay for lunch and she said ok. I have asked Hariprakash to prepare her favorite dishes .."

    He smiled at his Nani's enthusiasm. But he was feeling little uneasy about Khushi and Muskaan's visit tomorrow with Dadi's presence in the house. He avoided meeting Dadi since the time he came back from Lucknow yesterday. . The anger he felt towards Dadi was beyond limits. Neither he want to spoil his day nor he want to revisit his past by talking to her. But what if She create any drama seeing Khushi and Muskaan tomorrow? No.. He won't let anyone hurt his wife and daughter. 



"You asked me know what I was seeing when you came inside.. come here..See .."

He came and sat beside her and Devyani showed the pictures she was looking at.

"From where you got these pics nani?" He asked in surprise.

"I got it from a pendrive in Anjali bitiya's room. I asked NK to transfer it to my tablet so that I can see it whenever I wish. He only taught me how to use this tablet. " Nani explained him.

Arnav took the tablet from Nani and looked at the pictures. His eyes moistened seeing the pics from his wife's life after he left her.

"She has Khushi bitiya's eyes.. hain na?"

    He nodded and continued looking at them. There are many pictures and few videos from the time she was pregnant and until Muskaan was 1 year old. Whoever captured this he was grateful to that person.  He smiled and forwarded the pictures and video to his whats app number.

His ringing cell phone shattered his concentration, he took out the mobile from its place in his jeans pocket. It was Vijay.

"Nani .. I will see you later"

He left the room while answering the call.

"Yes Vijay.. Tell me.. "

"Are you busy today evening?" He asked Arnav casually.

"No.. I am free.." He replied immediately.

"Ok.. then Come home with Anjali, Today is my Mom's birthday. There is a small cake cutting and dinner." 

"ya sure... I will be there.. What time?" 


"Alright.. See you.."

"ya .. bye.."

    He was little sad in the morning for not getting a chance to spend time with Khushi and Muskaan today. He considered the option to visit them at Vijay's place but  was feeling awkward to go there uninvited. Now he got an excuse to visit them there. He smiled and walked towards his bedroom. 




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