Chapter 28

    Khushi made a cup coffee for herself in the office pantry.  Today she left from home by 7 am to finish some important paper work. Muskaan and Arnav were sleeping at that time. She made breakfast for them and left a note for him on the side table. Now It is 11 am, she need to leave for home in another half an hour. Arnav called her by 9.30 and told he made Muskaan eat and she can take her time to finish the work. 

Her friends Nimmy and Saritha came there seeing her alone in the pantry through the glass door. 

    Nimmy, Saritha and Tanya are staying in the same building as her's. Tanya is the receptionist, Saritha is a sales coordinator and Nimmy is the secretary of the director. Only these three were aware of the equation she share with Arnav. Other colleagues are in the impression that her husband stays in London and visits her once in a while. She was not ashamed to tell others that she is a single mother at that time, but Nimmy- cousin of Vijay's friend who knows her full story told everyone that her husband is in London to keep her safe from the dirty minded colleagues like Mohan. 

"So.. How's it going on?" Nimmy asked Khushi with glint of humor in her eyes.

"How is what going on?" Khushi asked in confusion.

"She is asking about the progress in the 2nd season of your's and your hot husband's love story." Saritha explained her with a playful smile.

"Areey no need to look at her like that,.. She was just praising his looks" 
"Yes.. but I don't like to discuss my husband's hotness with my friends." Khushi said in mock anger. 

"Hmmm Possessive haan?" Saritha teased her.

"Tell us about the progress?.. We are waiting.." They were in no mood to let go of her.

"progress? we finished watching breathe into the shadows yesterday night. That is where we stand now." Khushi told them sipping her coffee.

" Ohooo.. You people are so stupid.. Listen to me..  Book a table for two, today is Thursday and tomorrow is off. We will take care of Muskaan. Enjoy sometime away from all the responsibilities." Nimmy suggested her which is seconded by Saritha.

    It was true that they need to spend sometime alone. In the last week once Muskaan was asleep they both watched web series. That is the only time they are spending alone. They kissed few times and stopped themselves before things went out of control. Hugging and cuddling became a normal affair to them. But still there was some distance between both emotionally and physically which is needed to be taken care of. 

    Maybe her friends are right. It was Arnav who took the first step towards her until now. It was high time she should also take her step forward. 

"You know what? I will call and book a table for us in Mumtaz Mahal today. " She told her friends cheerfully taking out her mobile.

"That's the spirit" Her friends smiled widely at her.

"Hey girls.. What's up? Ohhh Khushi.. Long time.. Maybe my lucky day.. it is not everyday I will get to meet  the to-be- CFO that too in peak office hours. "

    It was Mr. Mohan- head of the sales department. He is over 45 years and always had a problem with Khushi. He strongly opposed the management when they suggested Khushi's name for the position of the next CFO. He claimed she doesn't have enough experience and caliber for such an important post. But Mr. Balaji the current CFO and the director did not change their choice because of her hard work and dedication. 

     Now because of Sabita's absence she was coming to office only for two hours and he was displeased saying she was getting special treatment. But others staff never tried to bully her as they know she is related to the owner of the company. But this man Mohan and some of his team members never miss a chance to take a dig at her.

"I heard your imaginary husband is also here in Dubai. It is quite strange that none of your colleagues met him and suddenly you says he is here in UAE and takes a 6 hour work from home daily using it as an excuse ? " 

    His gave a mocking smile to her but was surprised when he couldn't find the pain which he always saw on her face whenever he tried to take a dig at her using the topic of her husband.

"Mr. Mohan, If I were in your position, I would have been worrying about the pending payments to be collected by your team even after 150 days limit. I guess you are more worried about your colleague's personal life than your professional responsibilities even after sitting in office for 8 hours a day. "

    Mr. Mohan was at loss of words sensing the unspoken threat in her words. If she writes an email to the management now - especially when the increments and promotions are underway, it will affect him badly. So he realized it is better to change the topic.

"Haa.. It will be collected by next week. What I meant was we never got to meet your husband so why don't you bring him here once?" 

The change in tone was not so difficult to notice.

"Well Mr. Mohan, You will get to meet him today. he is already here.."  It was Tanya , the receptionist. 

"He is here?" Khushi asked turning towards Tanya who was standing at the door.

"Yes.. He is waiting at the reception with your daughter. And Khushi why you didn't tell us? you are married to the owner of AR Designs ,the mighty Arnav Singh Raizada? I was literally shocked to see him here in our office in full glory."

Khushi rolled her eyes at Tanya for the dramatic explanation she was purposely giving for Mr. Mohan to hear.

"Arnav Singh Raizada? The Delhi based business tycoon?" Mr. Mohan asked in disbelief. 

Khushi went to the reception ignoring his question and saw him seated with Muskaan on his lap. 

"Hai.. We thought of giving a surprise today.." He greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hi.." She smiled back and took Muskaan from his arms who was 
equally excited to meet her mother after 4 hours.

    Arnav greeted her friends who was standing behind Khushi. He knew them as they were frequent visitors at their home to see Muskaan and to chit chat with Khushi. 

"BTW ASR this is Mr. Mohan, head of the Sales Department. " Nimmy introduced Mr. Mohan to him.

He shook hands with Mr. Mohan who was smiling at him with unnecessary politeness in his body language.

He was wondering what he was missing seeing the expressions of her friends.

It was then Mr. Balaji, the CFO came there and invited Arnav to his cabin and others to went back to their respective seats.

He waited inside Mr. Balaji's cabin talking about business until Khushi finished her work. In the meantime everyone in the office came to know about Khushi's husband is inside CFO's cabin. Some of them passed through the corridor and glanced into the glass cabin just to make sure if it was really Arnav Singh Raizada.

After about 20 minutes they left from her office in Khushi's car. At that time when she was about to open the door of driver's seat he asked her to let him drive. She asked about his license and he assured her not to worry as he has international license.  

    Now when he is driving her car keeping her in the passenger seat she could see what he was doing. He was silently conveying the message that he is there to share the responsibilities. She doesn't have to do it alone anymore. 

'there is no husband, she is simply saying she is married  just for dignity. She is staying alone.'

'I heard she had an affair with a friend of our director and when she got pregnant he left her and our director helped her by giving this job.'

'she is having an affair with that CFO, and that is why he is supporting her always even if she do not have experience for that position .'

'She is still using her maiden name. her husband's name is not mentioned anywhere, not even in the passport. God knows with whom all she is sharing her bed to achieve the position of CFO'

    She happened to hear these gossips from some of her colleagues accidently in the last 2 years. But she never bothered to correct them. It was never easy for her to be single mother. But she had to be strong for her daughter. When she decided to give birth to and raise her daughter singlehandedly she was prepared for all these taunts. But her heart ached whenever she heard all those dirty things about her.

    Today by coming to her office with their daughter he put all those gossips to rest. The pain she carried with her, faded away when he proudly introduced himself as her husband to her colleagues who taunted her both directly and behind her back.

"Can we go out for Dinner tonight  if you are free? " She asked him after few minutes.

"Of course.. But we will have have to leave early right? At least by 7. Muskaan will be asleep by 9.30."  He immediately replied her.

"No need to go early.. can leave little late..  by 9 - 9.15 like that. My friends will take care of Muskaan. we can leave her at their place after feeding her dinner."

    It suddenly dawned on him that she is asking for a date. Two of them alone , It instantly made him excited. He wanted to take her for a date but thinking about Muskaan he did not ask her.  He smiled and held her hand which was resting on Muskaan's back.

"That is a very tempting offer Mrs. Raizada. Would you mind to fulfil my wish to see you wearing a red saree tonight?" He gave her hand a light squeeze while asking that.

"Ohh I would love to fulfil your wish Mr. Raizada" 

She winked at him with a playful smile and he winked back knowing he got his old Khushi back.


Devyani smiled and hugged her granddaughter after hearing her decision to get married to Vijay. 

"I am so happy for you bitiya. You have my blessings.." She kissed Anjali's forehead.

"I haven't told anyone yet Nani. I thought first I will take your blessings then will inform everyone."

"Chote and Khushi bitiya will be very happy. After long time a happy occasion is coming in this family. You give me his father's number. I will talk to him. "

"Ji Nani.." 

"Have you gone mad Devyani?"  It was Dadi who was standing at the door witnessing the exchange between them.

"Kya hua Sumi?" 

"If I am not mistaken you gave your blessings already to Anjali to marry her boss." Dadi face was red with anger.

"Yes I have. What is wrong in that?" Nani was confused seeing Dadi angry hearing the good news.

"Before knowing anything about that guy how could you give blessings to Anjali?"

"I know him from the last 3 years , he is a very nice guy. And his family took care of Khushi bitiya and Muskaan ." 

Devyani tried to explain. Little did she know that, nothing can change the mindset of Subhadra Mallik.

 "That's exactly why I am saying. he is not the right guy. Shyam cheated Anjali because of that girl. Until he met Khushi, he truly loved Anjali. That girl spoiled Anjali's life. Now this Vijay is already trapped by that girl. You know I went to meet him and warned about that girl Khushi and he threatened me of bad consequences if I try to bad mouth her. He insulted me - the grandmother of the girl he wish to marry for that girl. After marriage he will leave Anjali for that girl. She is just like her maasi"

Anjali looked at her Dadi, anger flashing through her. Before she could give a piece of mind to her , Nani intervened. 

"Enough Subhadra! Do you even know what you are talking? He took care of Khushi bitiya like an elder brother. And what did you tell? She trapped Shyam? Shyam was a criminal, he trapped everyone. Thankfully my Chote and Khushi bitiya escaped that day. It was because of Khushi bitiya only his truth was out before us. And do you remember one thing ?I am the one who lost my only daughter because of your characterless son."

"Devyani... Don't drag my son into this. It was that girl's maasi Garima who trapped my son"

Devyani couldn't believe still her only concern was her son.

"Drag your son? He is the root  cause of all the bad things happened to my family. Don't just shut your eyes and pretend world is a dark place.  Because of your son my daughter committed suicide, Anjali bitiya's marriage was called off, my grandchildren were thrown out of their house, my chote became a ruthless man. I can keep a hundred of ways before you my family suffered. But you are still concerned about your characterless son's dignity. I am the one who took care of my grandchildren, so I have the right to take decision regarding their future. Khushi bitiya is the elder daughter in law of this house, so she should be respected. I thought after 3 years you regret doing all that to Khushi bitiya, but I was wrong. You will never change. You may leave this house now."

Subhadra was shocked to see a strong Devyani who was determined to throw her out of this house for her grandchildren's happiness.

"Devyani.. I can't believe you are throwing me out for that.."

Nani did not let her complete.

"Yes I am.... because I cannot let you ruin their life again. They deserve happiness. And you are a reminder of the hurtful past which they never want to remember. It is better you leave this house right away. "

Subhadra understood She crossed a line today and there was no going back.

"Thik hai.. But remember.. You will regret for choosing that girl Khushi and Vijay for our grandchildren."

"That we will see later.. Please leave Sumi.. Anjali bitiya.. ask the driver to drop her at Ashram. It is the best place for your Dadi."





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