Chapter 31

Khushi continued to sleep peacefully swathed in blanket unware of time passed. 

After few minutes her sleep got disturbed by the noise coming from kitchen.

The memories of the previous night came back to her and she smiled. 

Without opening the eyes her hand searched for her baby and her husband. 

When her hands could not find any of them she roused herself looking around. She was alone in their room. 

She slept in the other room yesterday.

Arnav might have carried her here in sleep. 

Her smile widened when she noticed Arnav's shirt was the only piece of cloth on her body.  

Her eyes went to the wall clock. It showed 11am. 

She suddenly flung the blanket off her and walked hurriedly towards the kitchen. 

"Hey devi maiyya!"

Muskaan must be hungry. How could she sleep like that? Even though it is a Friday, Muskaan's breakfast time is 9 am.

She stopped at the sight of her husband and kid.

Arnav was stirring something slowly. His upper body was bare. Muskaan was sitting on the kitchen countertop. Her hello kitty PJs were stained with mashed banana. Her Kitchen set was lying scattered on the counter top. 

He brought last spoon of mashed banana to Muskaan, and she obediently opened her mouth wide.

"Ok breakfast is ready.. " He told himself after turning off the stove. He was still unaware of Khushi's presence behind him.

He turned towards their daughter and kissed her chubby cheeks which was covered with banana.

"Now Papa will give you juice and you are going to drink it from the glass like a big girl.. Ok?"

Muskaan giggled as he transferred the juice from the juicer. He made her drink it fully little by little. 

Muskaan let out a burp after finishing the juice. 

"Good girl.. After cleaning you up we will go and wake your Mumma. ok?"

He told while picking her up from the countertop. 

When he turned towards the door he saw his wife, the perfect minx leaning against the door frame with a smile. 

She was still in his shirt which he made her wear before carrying her to the other room. 

Her hair was up in a messy bun which made the love bites on her neck visible to his eyes. He surveyed her bare legs with twinkling eyes arching a brow. 

The Khushi he knew was never bold to come in front of him wearing nothing but a shirt. She understood his amusement and smiled shyly. 

They gazed at each other ardently recalling the previous night. 

It was Muskaan who broke the silence asking her mamma to pick her with a wide smile. 

Khushi took Muskaan from him.

"Good Morning Baby.. " She kissed Muskaan's cheek and looked at him again "Why didn't you wake me up?"  

He pulled her close without any warning and kissed her neck softly squeezing Muskaan in between them.

"I didn't have the mind to wake someone who was sleeping soundly. So I silently left the bed with our baby." 

Muskaan let out a cry in irritation and started pushing Arnav away from her mother.

Khushi giggled at Arnav's annoyed face as their daughter hugged her tight after pushing him away.

"See.. she didn't like it when I am close to you. Until you woke up she needed me. Now she wants you only for herself. "

Arnav complained.

"Arnavji.. Kids are like that only. She was just annoyed for suffocating her. "

"Acha.. then why she never feels annoyed when you hug her tightly? She giggles when you do that. She has a problem when I get close to you. little devil.. "

He continued to complain following her to the washroom to clean up Muskaan. 

"Arnavji.. Please stop complaining about our own daughter and bring me a towel."

"You will take her side only.. Poor me.. Always alone.." 

Khushi rolled her eyes at him. 

He brought the towel and Khushi wiped Muskaan clean after washing her face and hands. 

After changing her into new set of clothes Khushi gave her  Rock N Stack rings to play and went to the wash room to freshen up.

He followed her and watched her from the door when she started brushing her teeth. 

His eyes never left her form. Was she aware of the sexy image she is making?

The memory of her buttery soft skin against his rough one from yesterday came back to him.

Once she finished brushing her teeth she looked at him with a raised eyebrow when she felt he was not going to take his eyes off her.

"It is not everyday I get to see my sexy wife roaming around wearing nothing but my shirt. It's like you are wrapped in me."

His husky voice sent a wave of shiver through her half naked body.

"Maybe your lucky day" She winked at him with a sexy smile knowing the effect she has on her husband.

He closed the distance between them in the next instant and grabbed her close.  His rough hands roamed all over her naked body under the shirt, wanting her with the same desire he felt from her. 

Soon he unbuttoned the first two buttons revealing her breasts to his hungry eyes. 

When she felt his hardness against her stomach, she came back to her senses. 

"Arnavji.. we cannot.. not here.. Muskaan is playing right there.."  She whispered in his ears.

He paused for a while and gave her a wicked smile.

"She is playing now.  We can have a quickie in our bedroom and can go back to her before she notices her parents are missing."

Before she could process his words she was lifted into his arms and carried to the bedroom. He lowered her to the bed as he repeatedly claimed her lips in urgency. She returned his hot kisses as he entered her in a swift motion. 

After the brief act of intercourse. both of them held onto each other breathing hard. 


After a nice warm bath both of them started having the upma Arnav prepared before. 

"Arnavji.. I haven't seen you going for jogging in the last one month. Earlier you used to go everyday. "

She asked him taking one spoon of upma from the plate.

"Ya I stopped it after coming here.." 

"Why? You should do some exercise.. You have diabetes and you have to take care of your health properly.  From tomorrow we will wake up early and go for jogging ..ok? If not possible in the morning, we can go to the park in the evening for a walk. We can take Muskaan also. She can also play in the park."

"Ok.. from tomorrow then.." He smiled and agreed with her plan.

"BTW I forgot to ask.. Did you call di?"

"Yes .. She asked us to join on a zoom call to discuss the wedding dates. Vijay's family will be coming to Shantivan this afternoon. Your phone was switched off so Vijay called me and asked you to join the call." 

"Oh.. I forgot to charge my mobile. I will finish some work before the call."

She got up after finishing the breakfast taking both the plates from the table.

" I also have to finish a video call with my London associates. will you be able to manage Muskaan and work alone?"

"Yes I will .. You finish your call. I will get you a coffee. "

"Not now, Call will take almost 2.5 hours. You can make one once we take a break in between."

She nodded and Arnav went inside the other bedroom to start the call.

She finished cleaning the dishes and made dal roti and rice for lunch. It was almost two hours since the call started, Arnav did not take any break in between. After cleaning the apartment she made a coffee for him and walked towards the bedroom.

She was about to knock the lightly closed door but stopped herself .

"I cannot do that at the moment. If they are going to cancel the deal because of that, I don't care."

Arnavji sounded angry.

"ASR we know you are the owner of the company but we all are worried about the state of our London branch. You left from here abruptly and not responding properly to the issues emerged in the past few months. AR London is in a very bad state , You know that more than any of us. The business was very good even without your physical presence in London before 2 years. We still have the chance to make up the losses happened in that past 2 years. Our team did too much hard work to get this client on board. Now this deal can make or break your company. If you agree to their condition of meeting you personally before signing the deal they will proceed to work with us. If not then, we will have to shut down the London branch eventually. I can't believe I am advising you -the great ASR."

"Mark whatever might be the reason, I cannot fly to London right now. I cannot leave my wife and kid alone here. And my wife cannot take a leave immediately and look after the kid. Even our maid is also not here now to help her."

"I cannot believe it. You are giving all these silly excuses? Your wife will understand if you tell her the loss you are going to face if this deal won't happen."

"That is enough Mark. You are my employee and that is my company. If I have to close it down eventually that will be my loss. You don't have to worry."

"Really? Then what about the 200 employees who is working here? They work here for their livelihood. It might be your company but they all have worked hard. So as an owner you do not have any responsibility towards them? Anyway I don't see any point in talking to you when you already made your mind to destroy the company with your own hands. I will be rejecting their request by tomorrow. In the meantime if your mind changes please let me know."

Khushi stood there frozen after hearing the exchange between her husband and his team.




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