Chapter 35

 Khushi looked at Lisa who was breathing fire. 

  Lisa recognized the women in White and Pink Full Floral Short Kurti with Long Sleeves paired with a blue jeans. She was the one from the day of Calendar photoshoot before few years in Delhi. After that she heard about her marriage to ASR which was a shock to entire fashion industry.  One of her friend in Delhi told her that they were going to get married for a second time but ASR did not turn up for the wedding. 

After that news were spread in the market that ASR is single again. It was confirmed when he shifted to London before 3 years. She was very happy when she got a call from AR London with a new proposal. 

She accepted the offer immediately. Despite of her innumerous attempts ASR did not respond to her advances. One time she crossed the limit by spiking his drink and trying to get close to him. She was unsuccessful again and had to face the wrath of ASR.

 And now AR just terminated her contract without an explanation before one month. She came here to talk to him but his secretary informed her that he is India with his family.

Yesterday she confirmed with his secretary that ASR is back in London with his wife and kid for a short while. When the receptionist told her he is in his cabin she decided to demand an explanation by barging in, but she was met with an unexpected person.

"What the hell are you doing in his cabin?" Lisa snapped at Khushi.

"That should be my question. " Khushi replied calmly .

Lisa noticed the change in her behavior from the last time . She is confident and very different from the naïve girl she met before few years.

"Ohh let me guess.. You are his wife whom he left behind at the mandap right?. And after 3 years returned from nowhere with a kid? Now when you are back he decided to terminate my contract and kick me out of his life after using me enough. "

Khushi went blank when the later part of Lisa's words registered in her mind. 

"Now where the hell is he? I need to talk to him.." 

Lisa shouted.

"My ears are perfectly working. you don't have to shout. He is in a meeting right now. you can wait outside." 

Lisa was about to blast again but Lavanya rushed inside the cabin.

"Who the hell gave you permission to come inside ?" Lavanya barked at Lisa.

"Oh please.. I did not take permission from anyone to meet him in the last 3 years. I don't think I need it now. "

Lavanya understood what Lisa was trying to do here with her choice of words infront of Khushi.

"Don't act smart Lisa. I think we both know what you are trying to do here. AR has terminated your contract , now if you want to continue your drama here then ASR will blacklist you and your carrier will be finished. So you better leave. If you have any problem go and talk to Mr. Joe. "

Lisa was smart enough to understand the threat behind Lavanya's words. She threw an angry look towards both and left the cabin.

Lavanya looked at her friend who was standing there like nothing has happened.

"What did that bimbo tell you?"   Lavanya placed he hand on Khushi's shoulder and asked calmly.

"Nothing she was asking about Arnav. Where is Muskaan?" Lavanya understood Lisa told her something which made her upset.

"She is with my assistant in my cabin. Khushi.. Lisa is a complete airhead and she was trying to get close to ASR but he never paid attention to her. When he was unable to handle her tantrums in the photoshoots he terminated her contract. There is nothing between them."

Lavanya tried to clear the air.

"Ya I know.. come I need to check on Muskaan." 

Lavanya understood she did not want to talk about it. But she need to inform ASR about it. 

"Go straight, second cabin on the left, I will come in 5 minutes. Need to get a file from the file room."

Khushi nodded and left from there.

When Khushi left she immediately took out her phone and sent a message to Arnav. The meeting is going to continue for half an hour more. 


    Anjali looked at the shopping bags piled up in her room. She need to sort everything and have to pack it separately. She is going to get married in 2 months.  

Her second marriage. Is this just a beautiful dream? What if it will disappear once she wake up from her sleep?  Even if it is a dream, why she is seeing it? Does she deserves all this happiness? 

It started as an affair when she was not legally separated from her former husband. 

An affair that led to love for a lifetime. When she boldly proposed an affair to Vijay she never thought she will end up in falling love with him.


Three months passed since she started working for Vijay. The court hearings were going on in between. She never appeared in the court but her written statements were presented before the judge. 

When the judgement came announcing life time imprisonment for Shyam, she decided to meet him once. She needed to face him once before throwing him out of her life and mind completely.

She requested Vijay to take her to meet him once.  He did not ask for a reason, simply made few calls and drove her to the jail were Shyam was kept without informing anyone else.

He waited in the superintendent's room when she was lead by another policeman to the cell.

The policeman pointed towards a cell and stayed few feet away giving her privacy.

 "Rani Sahiba.." Shyam gave her a wicked smile when he saw her approaching him.

"I did not expected you here. But I knew you cannot stay away from your Shyamji.." 

Anjali controlled herself before she lost her cool. She needed some answers.

"Shut up.. I came here for an explanation."

"I think you already have it." Shyam was cool as a cucumber.

"Not for one. Why did you kill your own child? She was your blood. Didn't that child mean anything to you?"

She hated how her words stammered at the later part. She cannot cry before him. 

"Rani Sahiba... See.. I married you for money. But you? Why did you marry me?  You married me because no other normal person will marry a handicapped woman like you. I gave you that - a happy married life. And other than money what else you have? You barely satisfied me physically. I used to sleep with many women even after getting married to you. But you were happy at home right? you got what you wanted. When your beloved brother threw me out of shantivan I had to find a way to re-enter into that house. So killing our own child was the best option I had. Because once the child is dead, doctor will suggest she need love and care and maybe you can try for another kid later etc etc. Other than me who will give you another kid? And you made it so much easier when you refused to take food demanding my return to Shantivan. You loved me so much.. perhaps you still love me."

Shyam's words made Anjali blind with anger.

"I knew.. I always knew you never loved me. A woman knows when she is touched with love. Your touch was never filled with love. And you know what.. I never loved you also.. I was repaying the kindness you were showing towards me and my family. "

Shyam was taken aback hearing Anjali's retort.

"That is a news rani sahiba. you never loved me? I also never loved you. we are even.  But I loved Khushiji.. I really loved her. But that girl .. she never loved me back. And see what happened to her. Your brother dumped her. Anyway even if I am in Jail I feel so happy that Arnav and Khushi are separated now. And also you.. my dearest rani sahiba.. How will you lead your life now? By doing poojas and fasting?  Maybe your beloved brother will try to find someone for you to meet your needs, but in that case also it will be very difficult than before. Who will marry a woman who is handicapped and now separated from husband and also undergone a miscarriage. Maybe you can try to suicide, I don't think you have any other hopes in your life. So I am pretty much happy that I could damage the life of Raizada siblings to this extend. But if you wish to take me back I am always ready.

He gave her a wicked smile. 

Her face filled with disgust.  

"No one will get away with their bad karma Shyam. Mark my words. I know life time imprisonment is a small punishment for your deeds. You will not die easily. You will suffer badly. You will be begging for the mercy of death but it will not come to you easily. I will be alive to see that."

With that she left from there as fast as she could. She reached near Vijay's car and messaged him she is outside.

Within 3 minutes Vijay came near her running. Seeing her tears and the surroundings he understood this is not the right place to talk. He opened the door for her and made her sit in the car. Silent tears were flowing from her eyes and she was biting her lips to swallow the sob.

He drove away from the jail premises and stopped the car in a remote area near the jail. 

Vijay left the car giving her privacy to grieve.

She cried her heart out hugging herself, letting all the frustration, anger and sadness out in the open. She cried for her dead child, for her chote , for Khushiji for the grief her family had to undergo because of her. She failed badly as a mother, as a sister, as a granddaughter most importantly as a woman.

He waited patiently outside until she composed herself. Suddenly a loud thunder made him to look towards the sky and the next moment he was caught in downpour. He let himself wet in the rain waiting for her to come out. 

After a few minutes he felt her standing close to him drenching in rain. She leaned onto his shoulder as the thunderstorm continued. He circled his arm around her shoulder offering her silent support. 

After few minutes he looked at her, She was drenched and shaking from cold but her face was calm even though her eyes were red.

"You are shivering.. Can I drop you home now? You need to change." He asked her slowly without leaving her.

"No.. I don't want to go home." She answered him without lifting her head from his shoulder.

"You will fall sick if you continue to stay like this." He tried to explain.

He did not want to send her home but he cannot make her stand like this in rain. He wanted her to share her pain with him. He wanted to take her pain away. But did he have that right on her? He was just an employer for her even if he sees her in a different light.

"Can you take me to your place?" She asked  suddenly before she changed her mind.

"Are you sure?" He couldn't help but to feel surprised at her request.

"Yes.. "

He did not ask anything after that. He drove her towards his apartment. They both silently looked outside until they reached his place.




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