There will never be another you -Chapter 3

Using the top of the box as a guide, she moved the different clusters around until they're in the right places. She connected the clusters together and pressed in finishing pieces. 

Khushi sighed in satisfaction looking at the 1000 Piece Creekside Villa Jigsaw Puzzle which she solved in 2 days time. Solving jigsaw puzzle is her hobby.  When she was a kid her elder brother used to bring jigsaw puzzles for her with his pocket money. She used to solve it quickly and then would demand for a new one. Her brother was the one used to helped her solving difficult puzzles. 

When Shasi brought her home after her parents and brother passed away, she used to cry day and night asking for her family.  That time to cheer her up Payal brought her jigsaw puzzles. Every week she bought her a new puzzle. This will be the last puzzle in gupta house, she thought sadly. This was her home, even if her family did not accept her fully, she accepted them as family from the time she started living here.

From tomorrow she will be Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada. Only for one year. Was she being selfish? Using the opportunity to escape when it was presented to her?   She doesn't know. This way all her problems will be solved. She couldn't believe it when Arnav's proposal came. But life was not a cindrella story. When he told about his conditions that day she did not feel angry. She expected him to turn her down after meeting her middle class family. But she liked his honesty. 

But when she analyzed things this was the best option available. This one year can give her time to finish her studies. Maybe in that one year they both can fall in love.. No .. He doesn;t believe in love. He will not love her, he just want to test the institution of marriage. After one year they will definitely part ways.  Like he said they both belonged to different worlds.

 She had two reasons to get married to him . One is marrying Arnav Singh Raizada is her dream come true. Even if he is offering it only for one year, she was tempted to accept his offer. 2nd is ,this was her last chance to escape before buaji finds another man like Shyam for her.  Her buaji and mother can be finally happy that she is leaving the house without wasting her father's fixed deposit. 

So many things have happened in her life lately. Before one month Shyam Jha came to see her with his family.  Despite of her father's refusal buaji said yes to Shyam's family.  Her father and buaji fought everyday. Finally she convinced her father that she is ready to marry Shyam wholeheartedly. A devastated Shasi collapsed and admitted in hospital. Buaji and Amma blamed her for his condition. 

When shasi was in hospital Anjali mam called her and she explained her situation. The next day surprisingly Shyam informed them that they are not interested in this alliance any more. 

After her father got discharged from the hospital, panditji visited them with Raizada family's proposal. Knowing who Raizadas are buaji tried to convince panditji to consider Payal for Arnav. But panditji told Arnav's family is interested in Khushi only which made buaji furious. An angry buaji tried to decline the proposal but Shasi and Payal asked panditji to inform Raizada's to come over to meet Khushi. 

Why Arnav Singh Raizada was considering her? May be out of pity. But Anjali mam told she did not tell Arnav about her situation. Why did he agree ? He wanted someone who was ready for a contract marriage. He also told her if things are going well between them then it can be a real marriage. In that case does it mean he also like her ? No Khushi.. Don't start dreaming again. He is just helping you to escape. And in return she is agreeing to be a contract wife for him. That is it. Jo hoga dekha jayega.

Just like she asked Arnav informed her family that he wish to get married in the presence of family members only. But after marriage Raizada family will host a reception party for everyone after one week of the marriage. Panditji picked up two muhoorats , one was within a month and the next available one was after 6 months. As Khushi's 2nd year university exams were going to finishing in one month, both families agreed for the first Muhoorat. 

Her father was sad about the way her marriage was happening. But she convinced him that she is happy. Payal did Mehandi and haldi for her at home avoiding buaji's protest. Tomorrow she is going to marry him infont of devi maiyya. Even if he was an atheist he agreed to get married in the temple. 

She looked at her deep colored Mehndi.  It is said darker the Mehndi, the more is the love in husband’s heart. How she wish that was true. But her husband doesn't believe in love.

She temporarily let her thoughts rest and started putting her remaining things in the bag.  

Payal observed her sister from a distance. Sensing her sisters presence Khushi turned her head and smiled. Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported. Payal was exactly doing that for her in the past 15 years. She will miss her sister terribly. From tomorrow life won't be the same anymore. 

Suddenly Payal's phone beeped with an incoming message. Payal rolled her eyes after reading the text. "I was not flirting. 😎I was just being extra friendly with someone who is extra attractive."

"Whose message was that gigi?" 

"Ah.. No one. just a forwarded message. Give it to me. I will pack the rest. You go and have food."

 Khushi was not convinced but she didn't probe. After giving a suspicious look to Payal, She left the room. 


Khushi climbed the steps to the first floor of Shantivan accompanied by Anjali.

"This is Chote's room, from today onwards yours too. " Anjali told her after opening the door of the large bedroom. Pleasant smell filled her nose when she entered the room. 

The room was decorated with fresh flowers and scented candles. On the right side of the bedroom there was a glass door which opens to the poolside. Anjali pointed to the left side of the room there was another glass door. 

"That is the study room. He sits there and work whenever he is working from home. Chote renovated it before marriage made a space for you to sit and study. And he has rearranged the wardrobe for you. The clothes you have brought from your home and along the clothes chote brought from AR for you are arranged inside by the maid. The bag which had your books and other study materials are not unpacked. It is there in the study. Maid will help you to do it later."

Khushi gave a genuine smile to her. Anjali cupped Khushi's cheeks and said.

"Khushi, I know you both didn't get a chance to know each other before marriage. And like any girl it will not be easy for you to adjust with the new family. If someone can make it easy for a girl , that is her husband. He was not a saint before marriage but he is a good man. He will never hurt you.  And you are that kind girl I wanted for my chote. I know you will fill his life with happiness and I am sure you will make him fall in love with you with your innocence. " 

Anjali left the room after helping her to sit on the center of the decorated bed. 

She was feeling a pang of guilt after listening to Anjali's words. Everyone in the family is thinking this is a real marriage. They are going to hate her for being selfish after one year. 

Arnav walked slowly towards his room. Why was he feeling nervous to go to his own room? Not his room, from now it is her room too. 

He found the most beautiful girl waiting for him on his bed. wait.. From where these kind of thoughts are coming ? Most beautiful girl? She is not the first women in his life then why he is feeling like everything is new and beautiful.  He was not interested in involving emotionally with a woman. The relationship he had in his past satisfied him physically. Strangely he didn't remember any of those faces from his past.  

He personally selected every item for her including her clothes, dressing table, wardrobe, study table, toiletries, make up kit. He never did it for any other girl including his Di. Why did he change his point of view towards middle class girl for her? He didn't know her much but he was sure that she is not a middle class gold digger. The way she interacted with his family and his Di he could see she is a nice girl. But is she the one with whom he will be spending his entire lifetime with?  It is too early to answer that. Maybe after one year he will have an answer. 

She did not recognize his presence until now. He could see she is thinking deeply about something. Di told him that it is very difficult for a woman to leave her family and  start a new life with a man who is a stranger. He promised his sister that he will make it easy for her. But he did not know how to do that. So he filled his room with the things to make her feel welcomed. He asked his manager to send clothes he had designed and the matching jewelry. 

He used to pay for the shopping of his ex- girlfriends. He never cared to check what they were buying. They used to send bills to his office. In one month time before their marriage Khushi never sent any bills to him. He thought maybe she couldn't find time for shopping because of her exams. 

They met once for dinner in a restaurant on a friday night. She didn't shop that day also. She was waiting for him at the entrance of her house in a baby pink salwar with silver border. How can someone look breathtakingly beautiful without heavy makeup and branded dress. There she made him look at her from a different light. Dinner with his ex-girlfriends used to be a formality before sex. But with Khushi everything is different. He really enjoyed his dinner with her. He talked about his business whereas she shared details about her collage and studies. 

He is a successful businessman for no reason. He could see through someone if they are genuine or not. She is different from all those girls with whom he had meaningless sex. They never cared what he is doing in his profession. His bank balance is the only thing that attracted them. He also did not want anything other than physical satisfaction so he did not care. She was genuinely involving in the conversation and not faking interest to please him. He dropped her home after dinner. He wanted to take her out after that also but due to her exams and his work they couldn't find time. 

Now after 5 minutes of entering the room, his wife did not come to know about his presence. He cleared his throat for attracting her attention. 

Khushi came out of her chain of thoughts and gave a half smile to her husband. 

"Ahh, why don't you go and change to something more comfortable? It will be difficult for you to sleep in heavy clothes and jewelries. "

He told her after two minutes of silence not knowing what else to say to start a conversation.

She left the bed and walked towards the dressing table. She removed her heavy necklace, earrings and mangtika and left it on the dressing table. He noticed all the accessories were removed except Suhaag chuda,  Mangalsutra and her wedding ring. 

He waited on the bed when she left for the bathroom to change. She came out of the bathroom wearing a pink nightdress. Pink might be her favorite color. She walked towards the dressing table and put the discarded jewelries in the respective boxes and locked it inside. 

"Khushi,  we need to talk. I mean if you are not too tired can we talk?"

"Yes of course.. I am not that tired. Can we sit by the poolside and talk?"

He nodded and opened the sliding glass door to the poolside. She followed him.

"Wow "

Khushi exclaimed at the flower garden by the poolside which was tastefully laid out with unique plants.

She reached out for the white magnificent flower and enjoyed its full bloom. To his surprise the tinkling of her anklet when she ran gave him some strange satisfaction. Her nose touched the white petals involuntarily. She closed her eyes enjoying its heady fragrance.

Arnav watched his wife of few hours enjoying the smell of his favorite flower. The night breeze made her loose hair fly freely. She looked magnificent in her pink night dress with sindoor on her parting and suhaagchooda on her delicate hands.

He picked up his phone and captured her picture unknown to her. Picture perfect. The small diamond nose pin was shining in the moonlight. No woman made him speechless. How can she have so much effect on him? 

"This is nishagandhi right?" She asked him with a dazzling smile.

"Yes. It is also known as Bethlehem Lily."

"The garden is really well maintained. Anjali mam told me once Gardening is your hobby. You take care of this garden right?"

"Yes. Hari prakash also helps. What are your hobbies?"

"Solving jigsaw puzzles. And also dancing. "

They continued their conversation about their likes and dislikes. Arnav wondered how they are going to work? She is fond of colors where as his world is monochrome. She is fond of movies and music whereas he prefers silence. He is definitely attracted to his wife. But was she feeling the same way? A girl like Khushi will find men like him bore. 

How was he supposed to make a move? It was so easy with those casual flings. Just ask "How about a dink or dinner ?" But that approach will not work with Khushi. Khushi is not a fling. She is his wife. He has given her his name. Marriage and serious relationship is new for him so he need to make her feel comfortable in his life first. 

He never shared any of his personal space with any other girl before. But with Khushi he was willing to do that. 

"Khushi, I know we both have discussed about the contract before. During this one year I promise you that I will sincerely try to make this relationship work. And I expect the same from you. "

Khushi looked at her husband's eyes which reflected honesty. From the beginning he was honest. But she was not. No. she never lied, just hidden some facts from him. But little did he know that he is her prince charming. But she realized her reality when Shyam's proposal came. Now when Arnav is offering her the chance to change her dreams to a reality why couldn't she try?

"Yes Arnavji, I will also try my best to make this relationship work. "

They entered their room after the poolside and garden tour. 

"If you are not comfortable in sleeping on the same bed , I can sleep on the couch." Arnav offered

"No its ok. I don't have a problem in sleeping on the same bed." 

She didn't tell him she was doing it because she was afraid to sleep alone on a bed. There was one more reason also she can smell his cologne whole night. 

Both of them laid down on either side after switching off the lights. 




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