Chapter 37

"Khushi please tell me what did that Lisa tell you?"

He asked her after placing the order for drinks.

"I told you know she didn't say much. She was angry and demanded a meeting with you. After that Lavanya came and asked her to go and meet one Mr. Joe. She left after that."

Khushi said casually.

"Khushi, she was becoming unbearable. You know how these models flirt as a part of their profession. But she was trying to .. trying to get close to me."

"You don't have to explain anything Arnavji. "

Khushi dismissed the talk. But he was not in a mood to let go.

" I didn't hide it purposefully Khushi. Please hear me out. I did not tell you because she was not important. She tried to take advantage of my drunken state but I asked her to get out when I understood her intentions. She spiked my drink after that in a party but Joe saw that and informed me. I asked my team to wait until we finish her ongoing shoot. Once it was done we terminated her contract. This is the story. Khushi you are the only woman in my life. you believe me right?  "

"Arnavji I believe you."

She said with a half smile. He could see that she remained upset. Waiter came with starters and drinks.

Once the waiter went away he held her hand.

"Khushi please don't be upset. Tell me what shall I do to make you feel better?"

She sighed and looked into his eyes.

"I don't know Arnavji. Lisa is not the problem. This incident opened all those windows of our past which I an trying hard to forget. I wish we had an easy relationship without the shadow of the bitter memories of past. I forgave you long back but I am not able to forget. The time when you treated me badly are playing infront of my eyes. The memory of that man who used his girlfriend to hurt me is coming back to me. I really don't want our vacation to be ruined. We will return day after tomorrow. If I was the same Khushi whom I used to be I would have plastered a smile on my face and acted like I am happy. But I am not the same Khushi Arnavji. "

He completely understood her. He had done too many wrong things to her. He always made her feel she was not worthy of him. But in reality he was the one who is not worthy of her. But he is a lucky bastard he got Khushi. 

"Khushi I wish I could change the past. I was such a bastard. But I love you Khushi. I don't know.. I really don't know how to .."

Like every other time words failed him. But his wife always understood his unspoken words. 

"I know you love me Arnavji. But sometimes love is not enough right? I wish we had respect in our relationship. The way Lisa talked about using my kid as a pawn for getting back you is pricking me. What pains more is I feel you also might have felt the same when first you came to know about Muskaan. Deep inside I know you will never think like that but the way you judge me before our contract marriage is forcing me to think that way. And I don't know what to do with this. "

"You don't have to do anything Khushi. Just give this some time. I promise I won't give you a chance to complain. "

She nodded at him with a genuine smile. Maybe he is right. They need to give each other some time. They can create new pleasant memories replacing the sad ones.

They reached their apartment after the brunch with a sleeping Muskaan.  

After changing into comfortable clothes they lied down besides Muskaan.

"Khushi tomorrow there is an official event at the AR Auditorium. Will you come with me?" 

She looked at him in surprise. In the short span of their 6 month contract marriage she never accompanied him anywhere. She was under the impression that he was ashamed to introduce her to the world as his wife. Many times he confirmed her doubt with his insensitive remarks in the past.  

"You want me to accompany you? Why?" 

"It will make me happy Khushi.." He caressed her face with love. 

Official party will have medias and all those high society clients of AR. Media will be celebrating the news of her sudden appearance after 3 years. But looking at his face she didn't want to refuse him.

"Ok. I will come. But I don't have anything to wear."

"Your dress will be ready soon. I will ask Lavanya to send it here tomorrow."

"Ok. But Muskaan?"

"She can stay with Magi for few hours. I also don't want to leave her here but I don't want to give a chance to the paparazzi to click her pictures. It is better if she stays away from limelight "

"Ya it is better." She agreed with him and dozed off after a short while. 

The next day she received a gorgeous mint green Trumpet Elegant Dress with matching earrings and clutch.

Lavanya told her this dress was designed by Arnav for her. What if he was sending a saree for her. She couldn't wear a mangalsutra and Sindoor in his name. She desperately wanted to wear all those symbols on her which announce to the world that she is his wife.

But no. something was stopping her. She never wore mangalsutra and sindoor after their marriage was  called off. When she removed her old mangalsutra in the morning of their remarriage she wanted him to tie that with love replacing the painful memory of their contract marriage. But that did not happen.

She decided that she will not think about all those again. She is happy now. That is all that matters. She consoled herself and went to feed Muskaan.

Early morning Arnav left for office to finish some work.

Even after her refusal Lavanya sent a stylist to their apartment to style her before the event. 

Once she was ready Arnav's called her to tell the driver will come to pick her as he won't be able to make it. She was truly disappointed. This is the first time she is accompanying him to a party as his wife. How can he ask her to come with the driver? May be he is really busy. 

Sharp 6 pm his driver came to pick her. After giving instructions to Magi she left with the driver.

She got really irritated when he didn't pick up her call. After 30 minutes drive the driver stopped the car and opened the door for her. 

She stepped out of the car in confusion. They did not reach AR premises yet. Then why was He guided her to the black limousine which was parked few feet away.

The driver opened the door of the limousine with a smile. 

"Hi" Arnav greeted her as she stepped into the vehicle.

She took a minute to observe him. He looked fresh but his eyes reflected tiredness. He has changed into a blue three piece pinstripe suit and mint green tie which matched with the color of her gown.

After the driver closed the door of the limousine he pulled her close and kissed her cheeks.

"You look gorgeous Khushi. I am sorry I couldn't take your call that time." 

He said with a smile.

"Arnavji what exactly this event is about? This is not a small official party like I assumed."

He understood she was nervous.

"Relax sweetheart you will come to know in few minutes. "

He rubbed her back as she relaxed against him.

The car stopped in front of the red carpet and he asked her to wait while stepping out of the car.

Reaching her side he gave his hand and helped her come out of the car.

Hundreds of camera flashed as they walked through the red carpet. She smiled at the camera with him as they clicked their pictures. 

He squeezed her hand in an assuring manner as the guards guided them.

As they entered their private suite he closed the door and sealed her lips with his.

"I love you" He whispered once they parted for air.

She looked at him while trying to catch her breath. 

"Khushi today is the launch of AR's new collection. I have to say a few words on the stage after few minutes. You can come with me to the stage right? "

"Arnavji.. I am nervous. Is it mandatory ? Can I remain with the audience while you deliver the speech?"

"I will not go without you Khushi. No need to be nervous. Just be with me please?"

She gave into his pleading and nodded in agreement. 

His manager knocked the door after 5 minutes .

They walked together towards the back stage holding each others hand.

As they neared the stage she heard the Lavanya's voice.

"Good evening everyone, I am Lavanya Kashyap , and it's my privilege and pleasure on behalf of AR designs to welcome you here today. We are delighted to have you with us to participate and share in our 100th clothing line launch. Thank you for coming. That many of you have traveled long distances to be here serves as a reminder to us all just how important our work is. Now I would like to invite Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, CEO of AR designs and his beautiful wife Mrs. Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada to launch our new collection."

They walked hand in hand towards the podium as the audience clapped and cameras flashed. 

 He adjusted the mike with his free hand and looked at the audience.

"Good Evening. Thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us today. We are very pleased to be able to welcome those of you that have been with us for a long time now as well as those who are new to the AR Designs. Today marks the launch of our 100th clothing line and we are proud to be able to host it today here at this wonderful place with all of you. Before we get started, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who generously helped us make this event come together to become a success. You have all been chosen to be a part of our association due to a mutual passion for AR. Your passions help us all to unite and the energy we create is what allows us to achieve our individual as well as group goals. We need you as much as you need us and that why we are grateful to have you join us here. 

Well, I don’t want to take too much of your time, I need to leave some time for introducing our new clothing line which is" He paused for a second as his manager unveiled the name. She looked back and froze as he continued.  " Smile of Happiness. In hindi we say Khushi ki Muskaan. At least Some of you may have realized why I choose this name. " 

He continued after a pause as he gave a light squeeze to her hand.

"This collection is dedicated to my wife Khushi and our daughter Muskaan. Just like my wife and daughter brought smile of happiness to my life I wish our new collection brings smile of happiness on your faces as well. Thank you very much for listening and have a look at our collection. Thank you!" 

His speech was rewarded with a huge round of applause and they were guided back to the suite as the models walked on the ramp. 

Arnav locked the door of the suite and turned towards Khushi whose eyes were welled with unshed tears.

"Khushi why are you.."

Before he could complete she hugged him tight and started crying. 

"Sweetheart Please don't cry. I did not want to upset you by bringing you here. "

"Just hold me for sometime. I will be fine."

He held her silently and waited for her to calm down.

"Shall we head back home?" He asked her after sometime.

"No I am ok. The party will begin after the show right?. We can stay for some more time."

"Khushi are you angry with me?"

"No Arnavji. I am not angry. I am just overwhelmed. I realize what you have done today. You introduced me to this world as your wife. You said we brought happiness to your life. You gave me the respect of a wife. It just made me emotional. I am not angry. I am happy. Very happy. And I love you. "

"I love you too Khushi.."

"Shall we go and see the collection?"

"Of course.."

Khushi gave the first genuine smile to him of that evening as they walked towards the front row of the auditorium.




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