There will never be another you -Chapter 2

 Devyani looked at her granddaughter who was angry and helpless at the moment.

"Anjali bitiya don't be upset. I will talk to Khushi's parents. We will tell them what kind of people they are. We cannot simply sit and watch those people destroy the life of an innocent girl."

"I don't think there is any use nani. From Khushi what I came to know is her family almost finalized everything and that poor girl was emotionally blackmailed to say yes. I really want to help her nani. Shall I talk to chote? Maybe he can do something to stop Shyam."

"No Anjali bitiya. Don't talk to chote now. First you tell me something. You really like that girl?"

She looked at her Nani and answered immediately. 

"I love her Nani. It is impossible for someone not to love her. She is like a sister to me. I already told you know nani about her past and her foster family. "

Anjali's sighed helplessly.

"Then how about visiting Gupta house with a proposal?"

Anjali leaned back against the recliner as she processed her grandmother's words. She wanted a girl like Khushi for her chote. Selfless, intelligent, innocent, lovable and beautiful. But knowing his brothers allergy to middle class people she hesitated to talk to him about it. Also at first Khushi's family wanted her sister Payal to marry first. So she pushed her thoughts aside at that time. But now when they are considering proposals for Khushi maybe she can talk to chote. But how will she stop Shyam?

"Anjali bitiya leave Shyam and his family to me. I will handle them. And we will ask panditji to take the proposal to Gupta family. Once he talk to them, we will go and visit Gupta family. "

"But Nani it is not easy to stop Shyam. You know how.."

Devyani stopped her in between.

"Bitiya trust me. You call Panditji and ask him go to Khushi's house tomorrow with the proposal. I will handle the rest. "

As Devyani walked away grabbing the landline receiver from the side table, Anjali closed her eyes and recalled Khushi's words from this morning. 

She was on sick leave for the last 3 days. She found it strange when Khushi didn't call her once to enquire about her foot injury. Today morning when she called, Khushi started crying badly. Khushi explained about the sudden turn of events in her life. The name and details of the groom left Anjali shocked. 

He did not tell Khushi that Shyam is her ex-husband. But she wanted to help her. But she didn't know how. So she talked to nani. Now when nani assured her that she will deal with them, nothing is there to worry.

Her thoughts shifted to Shyam Manohar Jha- her ex-husband. One of Nani's friends brought his proposal. Shyam was the only son of a wealthy businessman based on Lucknow. He was not interested in their family business. He was an advocate. Arnav did a background check on him before marriage which was satisfactory.  They got married in few months.

On their suhaagraat Shyam suggested they should take their relationship to another level only after understanding each other well. He did not touch her even after three months of their marriage. 

She always felt something was not right in that family. Her doubts were confirmed when she overheard her in laws conversation one day. 

She came to know that her husband was homosexual. He was already in a relationship with a man from many years. His parents wanted a heir. The orthodox mentality of his family was not ready to accept their son's truth. So they forced him marry to a girl to maintain their reputation in exchange he can continue his relationship with his partner. His family's selfish deed ruined her life. 

If their son was homosexual they should have accepted it. Why did they ruined her life? When she questioned her in laws they threatened her.  She wanted to end her marriage. But Shyam being the dutiful son refused to divorce her. She was hesitant to talk to Arnav and her family about her failed marriage. Also Shyam's father was a ruthless man and he will not hesitate to commit a murder to protect their reputation.

So she waited patiently for a chance to escape. She tried to convince Shyam many times. He did not agree and said his family cannot accept the divorce and homosexuality. After that he suggested something ridiculous. 

Shyam said he doesn't have a problem if she wish to have an affair with someone to satisfy her physical needs as he was not interested in her. His only condition was to remain married to him for the reputation of his family. 

Staying in that house became next to impossible when her in laws started pressurizing them to have a kid. Giving into his parents request Shyam tried to get intimate with her for a baby one day. But she clearly told him him not to touch her. When he was not backing out, she strongly opposed him. A frustrated Shyam left the house and started living with his partner. He visited once in a week to see his parents. 

The taunts and painful remarks from his parents were becoming unbearable. What was her mistake in all these?  

She was feeling suffocated in that house. So once when Shyam was with his partner she secretly recorded their union with a camera. She did not want to do that but getting a divorce from him was not easy. She left the Jha house after that and explained everything to her family. 

Arnav called Shyam's father and told him about the video recording of his son with another man, If Shyam was not ready to sign the divorce papers then he will be forced to release it to the media. His father gave in and Shyam signed the divorce papers.  In their society they spread the rumour that Anjali was having affair with another man and also she was infertile. 

Her family did not respond to any of the gossip. Her family asked her to marry again but all her proposals were mysteriously turned down believing the gossips spread by Shyam's family. Arnav picked up a fight with Shyam many times. Finally she declared her decision to not to marry again and asked Arnav not to fight with Shyam's family again for her. She was free from him and that was enough for her. 

Now they found Khushi to be the scapegoat.  She cannot let that happen. But will her chote treat her in a way she deserve? Her chote is good at heart but his point of view towards marriage and life is different. But what is the harm in making them meet? If they like each other they can proceed. In any case she was not going let Shyam and his family succeed in getting Khushi.

After two days sitting in the moderate sized living room of Gupta house Arnav took the cup of tea from the tray. He didn't smile but sipped his tea, eyes on her.

She is beautiful no, jaw-droppingly beautiful. He was stunned by her innocent beauty when he met her first time in the hospital. He was shocked by the effect of her on him. How can a girl make him weak who was a total stranger to him. It is just a physical attraction. He tried to reason.

From the brief exchange of words he understood Shashi Gupta is a nice man. He can see the love for his daughter in his eyes. But the indifferent face of her buaji who was chanting Hay re Nandkishore without any reason in every 5 minutes irritated him. Her questions about his job and wealth made him angry but his sisters pleading eyes forced him to stay quiet. 

Her mother Garima did not talk anything other than leejiye na extending the plate of snacks towards him. Her sister Payal was polite but did not talk much.

After 20 minutes her father suggested Khushi and Arnav should talk in private. 

Arnav walked through the concrete floor of their terrace to the corner shown by Payal where two wooden chairs were placed under the shadow.

He thanked Payal and looked at the surroundings. There was a strange calmness associated with this place. He closed his eyes enjoying the afternoon breeze. Hearing someone clearing throat behind him he opened his eyes and turned backwards.

"Hello " Khushi greeted him with a smile. 

She looks more beautiful when she smiles, he observed. She had the most expressive eyes he had ever seen. Her lips are like petals of rose ,soft and pink. Her skin is milky white and flawless. He would love to have a date with her. But Wife? Will she be ready for something that he is going to suggest?

"Khushi.. I.. I don't know how to.. See I..." His hesitation made the smile on her face to fade. For some reason he did not like it. Since when Arnav Singh Raizada started feeling nervous to talk to a girl? He continued after a few seconds.

"See Khushi you are really beautiful. My Di and Nani really liked you. Maybe you will feel bad after listening to what I am going to say, but I hate to lie. So please don't mind my directiveness. You are not my type. Our worlds are entirely different. Also I really don't like the whole concept of marriage, I agreed to meet girls only for Nani and Di. But the partner I want is not a girl like you. I don't believe in love either. Seeing your traditional background I don't think we are right for each other. Nani and Di will not understand so I thought it is better if I say my point of view to you. Before Di started searching for a bride I decided if I get married one day then it will be on my terms."

She moistened her lips and looked at him with a blank expression.

"And what were those terms?"

"Forget it. I know you will not be ready to accept that terms. I told my conditions to the girls I met before and they refused so I rejected their proposal. Your family is a traditional one. And you are not a strong independent girl to take a decision of your own. So I think it is better we close this matter here. Nani will tell your family that our decision will be informed after one day. Once we leave from here I will tell them we didn't like each other. That is what I did for the previous proposals. "

"I am still waiting to hear your terms."

She crossed her arms across her torso and waited. He gave her a small smile and asked.

"Do you mind if I smoke ?"


He pulled out an expensive pack of cigarette from his pocket and started smoking. Smell of cigerette hit her nose as he exhaled in a silent snort.

"I had many girlfriends. But none of them lasted more than 3-4 months. So spending a lifetime with someone seems impossible to me. So I want to enter into a contract marriage for one year, to test if we can survive for one year, If we succeed then it will be turned into a real marriage. But I want to remain this only between us. For our families it will be a normal marriage. If it is not working then we tell them we are going to get divorced as things are not working between us. I understand this will be something unacceptable for a girl with traditional upbringing. I understand if you are not fine with this. It will be completely your choice. "

"What will be terms in the contract?"

He was clearly surprised hearing her question and he did not try to hide it.  He repeated the same lines to the previous girls also but they refused to hear further and turned him down. Those girls were from modern families. He did not expect Khushi, a girl values her tradition to enquire more about something against her beliefs. 

"Are you interested?"

"That I will let you know after hearing the terms." 

Her honest answer impressed him.

"Fine. Even if it is a contract marriage you will get all the right of a Raizada bahu until we remain married. Physical relationship -only if both parties agree. If we decide to part ways after one year you will get alimony of 10 crore , not more than that. In the contract period both the parties should remain faithful to each other. Both parties will not disclose the contract to their families. "

"If I accept all these conditions, then?"

"Then our families can start the preparation for our marriage. "

"I am ready for this but I want slight changes in the contract."

"Go on.."

"I don't want that alimony. You have to change that term to in the case of a divorce after one year nothing will be given to me. I want to continue my studies. Divorce or no divorce you will not stop me from finding a job.  And I want the marriage to happen in a private ceremony in the presence of family members only. That you should tell both families as your decision. Other terms are ok for me. "

Arnav's eyes widened in surprise. He dropped his cigarette and crushed it underfoot.


"I have my reasons to agree for this Mr. Raizada. But that is not money like you assumed. If we become close to each other one day I will open my mind to you. For now I am ready to enter into a contract marriage with you. But are you ready? "

"Yes." He immediately responded while sanitizing his hand. 

"Why? Before sometime you said I am not your type."

"If I was here with a normal proposal I would have said yes right away. You are beautiful and any man will  say yes to you. But considering the fact that I am here to discuss a contract marriage I didn't think you will agree. But I rushed into judgement without reason. So I am also ready to marry you." 

With a small smile both of them shook hands sealing the deal. 

"Please don't tell Di that you saw me smoking. I am dead if she found out." He told her munching the mouth freshener in hurry. 

She mouthed an Okay as they walked out of the terrace.




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