There will never be another you -Chapter 1

 Anjali fondly looked at the younger girl who was sitting opposite to her with a grim expression.

"Anjali Mam, these differentiation formulas for inverse trigonometric functions are really tough. Its confusing. I am definitely going to lose that 20 marks. "

Khushi complained.

"It is not that tough Khushi. All you need to do is practice different sets problems. I will give you previous year question papers. You can practice at home. If you have any doubt just call me."

 "Thank you mam. I am sorry for disturbing you after collage hours. "

"That is ok dear. You can disturb me as much as you want. I like it when my students come to me with doubts. "

Khushi smiled at her favorite teacher and closed her note book. 

"So? What happened after that guy rejected your sister?" 

"The same drama. Buaji scolded me. I cried alot. Jiji consoled me. Bauji and buaji fought. Ma was a silent witness." Khushi forced a smile as she grabbed her bag and got up.

"It is ok Khushi. Don't take it to your heart. It was not your fault."

Anjali placed her hand on Khushi's shoulder in a comforting way.

"I am used to it now mam. My entire focus is on my studies now. I will find a job somehow after graduating. I don't want be a burden on my family anymore. I have taken enough favors from them already. Khair.. leave it. you tell me mam what is the current status of bride hunt for your chote ?" 

Khushi changed the subject as they walked through the corridor. 

"He met two girls last week. but he did not like both. Tomorrow we are going again to meet another girl. And I am sure he will reject her also. This is going to continue for a while."

Anjali sighed.

"Why is he refusing all the proposals?" Khushi asked carefully.

"He didn't want to get married in the first place. He wanted to live like a free bird. Marriage is a stupid thing according to him.  But me and nani forced him, finally he gave in and agreed to meet the girl. He thinks girls are after his money, which is not completely wrong."

Anjali liked the bright girl who asked lots of doubts in her first class. Many of her doubts were difficult to answer. They started meeting after the class hours for clearing doubts. Khushi being the talkative girl talked about anything and everything. Anjali liked to spent time with her forgetting her sorrows. In the last one and a half years they became very close. 

One day she caught Khushi crying in the restroom skipping her class. That day Khushi opened up to her about her family. Anjali found a great deal of empathy for her. Life of an orphan is very difficult. 

She understood that feeling very well. When their parents died she and Arnav were taken to Nani's house. It was not their home. They were an added expenditure to Mama-mami even though they never behaved rudely with them. Until Arnav built AR they were living as a burden. 

Khushi's life was more difficult. Poor girl is hurting everyday for no mistake of hers. Living with a feeling of being unwanted is unbearable. 

Khushi really liked her Anjali mam. The sadness behind that beautiful smile bothered her. Why good people are always tested by God? Anjali was a reserved person but with her she talked alot- about her family, her failed marriage, her dead parents, but mostly about her beloved chote. 

Unknowingly she developed a crush for the shrewd business man and the loving brother of her professor. She follow his news regularly. She felt sad whenever his picture got published with different models on page 3.  From Anjali she knows his lifestyle. Her young heart ached when Anjali told they are in search of the perfect raizada bahu. 

Like her many girls would be drooling over him. He is surrounded with rich, beautiful and sophisticated girls.  He can have any woman he want. 

She has a collection of his photographs hidden inside her cupboard. Once he is married she will burn it and move on. He didn't know a girl named Khushi even existed in this world who has fallen for him. He is out of her reach. 

How could she think that the rich and famous Raizada and a normal girl Khushi can be together?.  Her young and stupid heart dreamed a lot about him. But in reality some one like Arnav Singh Raizada can never lay his eyes on a middle class orphan like her. 

Khushi exited the collage gate after saying bye to Anjali. As she walked towards the bus stop she noticed she was still holding Anjali's phone.  She gave the phone to her to show the picture of the girl Arnav was going to meet tomorrow. She forgot to return it.

She ran back to the collage in full speed. She need to get back to the bus stop in 5 minutes else she will miss the bus. She crossed the gate and walked towards the staff room. Almost everyone left the premises. Only the security is there at the entrance. She found Anjali wincing lying at the foot of the stairs which is leading towards the staff room.

"Oh my God Anjali mam. How did you fall down? Here let me help you. " She helped Anjali to get up.

"I tripped and fell down. It is paining badly Khushi. I think my leg is broken. " Anjali cried.

"Nothing will happen Mam. Please calm down. Please sit here. I will call the security guy. We will go to hospital."

She made Anjali sit on the stairs and ran towards the entrance. 

After half an hour Khushi sat outside the casualty door as the doctor bandaged Anjali's leg. Thankfully there here was no fracture. 

Anjali's phone vibrated in her hand for the 4th time. It was him. She swiped over the answer symbol up.

Before she could say anything the person on the other end blasted at her.

"Where the hell are you Di? Why were you not picking up the damn phone? Do you even know how worried I am. Mohan just came back home from your collage saying the compound is closed and no one was there. " 

"Ji.. Anjali mam fell down from the stairs and we are in little flower hospital. "

"What? Who are you?" His anger was replaced with fear.

"I am her student, Khushi. I am here with her. "

"Ok I am coming there right away. "

The call was disconnected before she could talk more. Khushi knew he might have leapt into the car and started driving like a maniac to the hospital at this moment.

After 20 minutes Arnav Singh Raizada made an appearance in his tailor-made suit showing everyone he was a man of stature. 

He ignored her royally and walked inside the doctor's cabin as if he owned the place. She closed her eyes as the faint smell of his cologne filled her nose , discreet and lemony.

She noticed he's been worried sick! The signature plastic expression she was familiar with from the tabloids is missing. 

Khushi watched his exchange with the doctor and his sister. She could see clearly that his sister is the most important person in his life. 

Anjali mam is really lucky to have a caring brother like him. 

"Khushi come we will drop you home."

"No that is ok mam. I will go by bus. "

"No no. you are already late because of me. Your father and sister will be worried. Get inside the car. "

Anjali commanded from the passenger seat. She looked at Arnav who was simply looking away as he don't give a damn. 

She occupied the back seat and looked outside as the brother sister duo talked.

In between she caught him staring at her through the center mirror few times. 

He immediately looked away when her eyes met his through the mirror. 

Why was he looking at her? 

Her stomach fluttered, her heartbeat fast. She never thought she will get a chance to see him this close. She blushed inwardly.

It is a fool's paradise Khushi, so it will be short lived maybe few more minutes until she reaches home. she reminded herself.  

"Thank you Mam." she said to Anjali as she stepped out of the car. 

"Thanks to you too Khushi. For helping me. " Anjali gave a bright smile as she waved at her.

Khushi made her way towards the main door of her house once the car was out of her sight.

It was already 7.30.

As she neared the entrance loud voice of  her buaji and father hit her ears.

"What are you saying jiji? I will not let this happen. she is my daughter."

"She is not your daughter Shasi. You adopted her when her parents died. We gave her a shelter and food. If we are not doing this now then Payal will remain unmarried. So I have decided. Khushi will be married first. The boy will come to see her tomorrow. Whether Khushi like him or not. We will say ok to the proposal. " Buaji said with finality.

What the hell was her buaji saying? She was going to get married ? that too with a faceless man?

"If you want Khushi to get married first that is ok jiji. But how can we fix her marriage to that guy? He is a divorce and 40 years old for God's sake. "

"For an orphan like her he is more than enough. Shyam is an advocate. He already saw her in mandir few times and liked her. He is not demanding dowry also. He even agreed for a court marriage. What else you need? That burden will be out of our lives without spending money. Once she is out of this house we can find a suitable boy for Payal. The Fixed deposit in your name can be fully used for your own daughter's marriage. "

"Khushi is not a burden jiji. And I will not force her to marry someone against her will. Khushi will be married off but not like the way you are planning. "

"If you are planning to spend the FD  for that girl, I won't let that happen. You will need my signature also to break that FD. Also this house is mine, I won't let you take a loan also for that girl. You already spent too much for that girl. Now enough is enough. I told you to stop her education after 12th but you did not listen to me. If you are not ready to do as I say you and your family have to leave my house right away. "

Khushi listened to their exchange with tears in her eyes. She walked through the living room as the elders continued their argument. 

She went up to her room and threw herself on the bed exhausted. Silent tears streaming down her face. When will she get to live her life freely? What she was going to do now? 

In less than half an hour she was day dreaming about certain Raizada with butterflies in her stomach. How beautiful was that imaginary world. It was better to stay there rather than living in the pathetic reality of her life.  

 Hearing someone knocking her door, she jumped from the bed, straightened her dress quickly and  opened the door. It was her mother.

She knew why her mother is here now. 

Garima stepped inside the room and closed the door. 

"Khushi I know you are feeling bad. But you need to think about your sister now. Please don't be selfish. Because of you all the boys are rejecting your jiji. I think your buaji has taken the right decision. You should get married first. And you know how your father is. Even if he was a principal he couldn't save much money for his family. He spent most of his earnings helping others. That is why we had to stay with Buaji. You know your father's FD is the only saving we have. If we spend that also on your wedding , How Payal's marriage will happen? Shyam has agreed for a court marriage. He is an advocate. He will let you study also after marriage. Please say yes to him tomorrow Khushi. You owe this to us. You father is not happy with this but if you agree he will also say ok for this proposal. "

Khushi listened to the words spoken by Garima carefully. 

Life is about choices, those you make and those you don't. 

If she says no it will be ungrateful towards the family who gave her a shelter. 

She had to make a choice without knowing what would happen to her in future.

"I will marry him Amma. Don't worry. "

Her choice was made. 




Tabs said…
I hope somehow Khushi says no

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