Chapter 26

    Khushi closed her laptop after replying to her emails. She placed her elbows on the table and closed eyes with her palm. It has been a week since Arnav started living with them. They were still living in separate rooms. But it was like finally she found the missing piece of her heart. 

    He helped her cleaning the dishes and kitchen after meals. They did the grocery shopping together with Muskaan.  Since last two days he was taking care of Muskaan when she leaves for office. She has planned to go to office for 3 hours until Sabita returns.

     She still can't believe Arnav Singh Raizada is doing all these things. He brings Muskaan along with him and spends time in the kitchen when she cooks meal for them. She never thought the arrogant CEO of AR can be a normal husband and a caring father. She had noticed he checks his emails only at night time when she and Muskaan retire to bed or one or two hours a day when Muskaan was having her afternoon nap.

    She heard Arnav's phone ringing for the 3rd time from his bedroom. He forgot to take his mobile when he left with Muskaan to the nearby park as she was not allowing Khushi to work. She ignored the first 3 times but at the 4th time she decided to pick up thinking it might be important. She touched the answer sign and waited for the person at the other end to speak.

"Why are you not answering my calls ASR? I am trying to get in touch with you from the last two weeks."

It was a female voice on the other side. 

"Helloo ASR .. Are you there?" The female voice asked again.

"Actually Mr. Raizada is not here at the moment, you can call him after one hour." Khushi replied her.

"May I know who is on the line?" The female voice asked confused.

"Arhh.. Khushi.." 

"Khushi.. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada? His wife right? " The female voice suddenly turned excited.

"Ji.. aap kaun?" She wondered who is this person who  knows the weird name she kept for herself after the marriage.

"Myself Jennifer.. Dr. Jennifer. Actually it's good that you answered the call."

"Is everything ok with him? " The word doctor made her panic.

"Please please don't panic.. I am his counselor. I guess you both are together now which is really a good thing to know. In the last three years he was really in a bad phase of his life. " She tried to expain.

"Doctor can you please explain me ? I want to know what his problem is?" Khushi's voice was showing her deep concern.

"See I know he will not like it if I tell this to you but as a wife I think you should know. He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown before 3 years.  One day his friend Lavanya found him unconscious in his apartment. We admitted him in the hospital and treated him. But he was not fully recovered. He cannot sleep without sleeping pills. I just wanted to know how he is doing now. "

"I didn't know about all this doctor. Thank you for informing me. " 

"See Khushi.. His problem cannot be solved with medicines. I know the things you both have gone through. He was not able to face himself because of guilt. As far as I know your love is the medicine. I know you have gone through a lot but even a man like him also deserve to be happy."

Doctors voice showed genuine concern for him.

"I will take care of him now onwards Doctor. You can contact me from now, I will message you from my number. "

She hung up the call and dialed Lavanya's number in the next instant.

"Hey Chamkili.. What's up?" Lavanya said in her cheerful voice.

"Why didn't you tell me he was on the verge of nervous breakdown?" 

"How you came to know?"

"Does it matter?  Why you did not inform me?" Khushi was really angry at her friend.

 "Chamkili.. if I have told you, then what you would have done? "

    Khushi became silent hearing her question. What she would have done if she came to know? Maybe it wouldn't make any difference to her back then? No.. It would have made a difference.

"See.. ASR himself was responsible for his misery. But you were the one who suffered most because of him. He cannot have the luxury of forgiveness every time when you never got it even once. So I thought it was unfair if I try to emotionally influence you to come to him after all those things you went through. But as a friend it was my duty to help him, so I took him to a counselor."

Maybe Lavanyaji was right..

"I.. I am sorry Lavanyaji.. It is just when I suddenly heard about it.. I .."

"It's ok Chamkili.. I understand you. I knew your's and ASR's whereabouts but I did not tell you both about each other. Because it was better that way at that time. you both were suffering. You still loves him a lot that is why you called me." 

"How was he that time?" She wanted to know more.

"He was a mess. He used to drink until he lose consciousness to forget the pain. No food, No sleep, No office . One day Di called me and told what happened on that day. She asked me to update his whereabouts to her. I reached his apartment and found him unconscious. Then after counseling and all he was better but he never got over you. He didnot want anyone to know about his state. So apart from NK and me no one knows. I really did not understand one thing, if he loved you that much why he left you then? That man is so much complicated. But he loves you a lot. Chamkili.. you both suffered enough.. Now forget it and move on.. Don't waste your life because of the past. Atleast for the sake of Muskaan."

Yes.. may be It was time to move on.

    She heard the calling bell suddenly and disconnected the call without finishing the conversation. Both father and daughter  were looking tired and dirty. Khushi rested her hands on her hips and gave them an exasperated look.

 Both of them went to bathroom leaving the dirt throughout the way. She cleaned the dirt while the other two were bathing. She smiled hearing the giggling sound of Muskaan from the bathroom. Playing with water is her favorite game.

    After dinner Arnav went inside his room. Carrying Muskaan on her hips she went to his room and knocked the door which was already open. 

"Khushi What happened? you need something?" He asked surprised seeing her in his room.

"Woh. you come and sleep with us. "

"Huhh? "

"Just come to our room and sleep there" 

His lips curved into a lopsided smile as he followed her quietly to the their bedroom after sometime.

She switched on the bed lamp and closed the door after they came inside the room.

    She lied down and closed her eyes without uttering a word leaving the space on the left side of Muskaan free for Arnav. He lied on his side facing Khushi and Muskaan. With the light of bed lamp he saw  Muskaan was sucking her thumb and looking at him with her hazel eyes.  He dragged himself closer to her and encircled Khushi's waist making Muskaan jammed in the middle. 

    Khushi turned towards the wall from her upright position but didn't push his hands away. Muskaan turned towards his side hugging him by his neck making her and Khushi to sleep in opposite direction. After about 15 minutes Muskaan was asleep and her grip on her father's neck was loosened

His arms were still on Khushi's waist. He knew she was awake. 

"Khushi.. " There was no response from her side. 

"I know you are not sleeping"

"Kya hua?" She asked softly

"Can you please turn this side ?"

With little hesitation she turned towards his side. In the dim light she can see his smiling face. 

"If you are not sleepy can we watch that web series you were talking your colleagues for one hour? It's just 9.45."

"you do watch web series?" She asked surprised.

"No.. But it sounded interesting, so.. I don't want to watch it alone."

 She got up and left the room for switching on the TV. He followed her after keeping a pillow near the edge to prevent  Muskaan from falling down. 

    She pressed the play sign of the first episode of breathe and seated herself next to Arnav. She knows he was just making an excuse to spend time with her alone. During day time they are spending time but it was like parents of Muskaan, not as a couple. Their discussions will be either about Muskaan or office. Today she has taken a step towards him by inviting him to stay in their room.

    Even if she was angry at him ,she never wanted him to suffer. She always wished happiness for him even if he was not with her. That is why she tried to suicide when she thought he loved Lavanya and he married her because of his horoscope. How silly was she?

    She is tired of pretending to hate him. But Is he worthy of her love? He is .. and much more.. her heart screamed at her. 

Arnav noticed she was lost somewhere else. He gently touched her shoulders and called her name softly. 

    She heard longing in his voice, the same yearning she experience for him. Leaning forward her lips gently touched his. It was a soft kiss, not demanding but more inquisitive. They looked into each other's eyes, and then passion hit them like the fiery breath of a dragon. He was about to stoop over, but with a rapid, almost brutal movement of her head, she intercepted his lips and met them with her own again. Her arms encircled his neck and drew him closer to her body.

     The kiss was consuming, hungry yet sweet also with a hint of promise. She put her hands on his chest as he started to kiss her neck. It grew more passionate, the feel of her body against him enhanced his growing need for her. She moaned with pleasure and turned, molding her body against his in perfect alignment making both of them lie on the sofa. 

"God.. I missed you so much Khushi.." He whispered as he trailed kisses through her neck.

Sensing the sudden change in her he looked up to her face and saw her eyes are filled with unshed tears. 

"Khushi.. I am sorry if I.." His voice was filled with concern.

Before he could complete the sentence She cupped his face and shook her head in negative.

"I missed you too.."  She let out a cry after saying that. 

    He smiled at her hearing it for the first time from her. His Khushi missed him, she was waiting for him all these years. He felt his heart will burst with love for the woman lying under him.

    He took her mouth again into a passionate kiss. They fought with each other with their lips for dominance. They poured all the love and hunger they have for each other into the kiss. They pulled apart after sometime looking at each other with their hearts beating heavily.

"I think we should take it slow as we decided earlier.."

    She nodded in agreement and he got up from the sofa and  helped her to sit. He switched off the TV and carried her in his arms to the bedroom. She circled her hands over his shoulders and leaned onto him like the way she used to do before. He kissed her forehead and made her lie on the bed. He laid himself on the other side making Muskaan in the middle. They both closed their eyes holding each other's hands. After 3 years he could finally sleep in peace without taking sleeping pills.




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