Chapter 27

        Anjali noticed Vijay was gloomy and absent-minded in the last three days. It was not evident to others but being closest to him she knew whenever there is a slight change in his behavior. This particular mood of him, she was not familiar with. 

    She was familiar with most of his frame of mind- cheerful, humorous, romantic, angry, tense but gloomy was something she rarely saw in him. He was gloomy when Khushi and Muskaan left after vacation, but after sometime he was fine. This time something was seriously bothering him. 

    She tried to ask him few times but he brushed it off saying she was imagining things. He doesn't have much work in the afternoon, usually in that case he takes her out for lunch if she is free or if she was busy he will wait for her until evening and drop her home. 

    She has to know what was bothering him and she strongly feels that it's related to her. Was he sad because she asked for more time when he proposed her last three times ? was he giving up on her ? What if he was thinking she is taking his love for granted? 

    She pressed the door bell when variety of thoughts flooded her mind. He was not surprised to find her at his door.  She silently followed him closing the door behind them. 

When they reached the living room she suddenly hugged him from behind. 

"Vijay please tell me what is bothering you.." She pleaded.

He removed her hands which were encircling his waist and turned towards her.

"Anjali.. there is nothing you should worry about.. It's just something .. Nothing serious.. You don't have to worry much." He explained to her softly.

She sighed in defeat and walked towards the dining hall and poured a glass of water for herself. She drank it and turned towards Vijay who followed her there. 

"Are you giving up on me?" She asked him with an irritation in her voice.

"What? Anjali,  I can give up everything to be with you. You know that.." he replied instantly feeling annoyed at her doubt.

"Then why don't you tell me what is bothering you? I know it is something related to us. We decided that we will discuss things openly if there is any issue, remember?" Her voice was louder this time.

He understood she won't back out until she get answers.

"Areey yaar.. Don't over react. Ok.. there is something which is bothering me. And you are right.. It is related to us. But it is not an issue. I wanted to talk to you also about it, but I did not know how to broach that subject. "

"Now you are freaking me out.. Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Ok..ok.. we will sit and talk calmly.. come.." He pulled out a chair for her.

They seated on the dining chairs facing each other. He held her hand over the table and looked at her.

"Please don't get angry after hearing this.. Actually Dadi came to meet me "

"What ? Whay? what did she tell you? I knew it.." Anger rose within her.

"See.. I knew you will freak out.. I told you we will talk calmly.. Nothing can change my love for you, not Dadi or anyone else.. "

"Ok.. fine.. I am listening" She took a long breath trying to calm herself.

"There is something which she told is bothering me because we never talked about it."

"What is it?"

"Before that I need to tell you few things.."

Anjali's expression softened suddenly seeing the smile in his eyes.

"It was not the first time when I saw you in that party. First time was few years before that."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"I saw you for the first time on the 18th birthday party of Akash. I came to pick Vivek after the party and you were there wearing a baby pink lehenga choli with your brightest smile. Your beauty and innocence mesmerized me. But you never noticed me. 

    You were there for the vacation with your family. I purposely visited Akash's house many times after that making an excuse just to catch a glimpse of you. I stalked you many times when you went out with your family without your knowledge. I wanted to meet you and know more about you but you returned to Lucknow before I could make a move. "

Anjali was processing the new information she was getting.

"I was very disappointed when I heard you returned to Lucknow. And I was very sad hearing your marriage was fixed after a few weeks. I was wondering myself how can I feel the pain of losing you when we never had a relationship. I left for oxford after that. 

     But you never left my mind. The girls I dated was somewhere similar to you in looks. Infact I was searching for you in them.  I was not aware your marriage was called off. Then after many years when Vivek told me about the situation you were in, I jumped right in to help. I had a hidden selfish motive behind it. It was you. 

    I am not embarrassed to admit that I was eager to get close to you. I did everything I could to send that man to jail using my influence and also getting you a divorce. I wanted you for myself. I wanted you to come out of your past so I asked to join my office so that I can also be close to you. 

I fell more and more in love with you when I came to know you in person. I knew you are the one who has my heart."

"Why you are revealing all this now?" She asked him seriously.

"Dadi told me something which made me think that maybe I am forcing you to accept me. It made me see things from your point of view. you were a wife of another man for about 4 years of your life and a..  a.. mother for those 7 months. It was easy for me you fall in love with you but for you it might have been very difficult. I wanted to take away your pain but in that process maybe I tried to push you to accept me. I don't know how you feel about it because we never had this discussion before."

"White shirt with light blue stripes and black pants" She told him with a smile.

"Huhhh?" He was confused.

"You were wearing White shirt with light blue stripes and black pants when you came to pick Vivek. I noticed the dropped dead handsome brother of my brother's friend. I secretly checked you out that day like a teenager looking at her crush. I purposely roamed around the hall whenever you visited Akash's house to get noticed by you and pretended I never saw you. One or two times I tagged along with Akash when he visited Vivek to catch a glimpse of you but you are not home. 

    I even collected your landline number also from Akash's diary but never had the courage to talk to you. I immediately cut the call when you answered the call once. I returned home after vacation disappointedly. 

    When my papa fixed my marriage with a man I never met before, I cried many nights thinking about the imaginary relationship with you I dreamed off. And finally I decided to accept what life was offering me gratefully because everyone told you are lucky to get a man who did not have a problem with my limp. Maybe you never noticed me because I am a physically handicapped girl.

    When you appeared before me after all those years the young girl who daydreamed about you returned. I started to live again leaving the façade I carried with me. I am myself when I am with you. I was not doing any compromise with you. I am living a dream I saw once upon a time. So even I had a hidden motive behind being in a relationship with you."

She walked towards him and continued.

"I am not trying to replace Shyam with you. You already have a place in my heart much before him. It was an innocent crush before and turned into love after knowing you."

She sat on his lap sideways and encircled her hands around his neck.

"So Mr. Verma stay with me, and hold my hands until they’re tanned and truly creased. Stay with me, and tell me, will you marry me?" 

She looked curiously for the answer at a dumb-folded Vijay.




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